Current Status
Not Enrolled
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Course Overview

Let us start by welcoming you to this years Flagger Orientation!

If you are not yet enrolled…

In order to complete this orientation and receive your passing notification, you will need to be enrolled with the site. If you have not yet enrolled; please make sure you do so now by clicking “Enroll Now” in the course header.

Before you enroll; however, know that after you’ve created your profile you may be redirected to a WordPress Login screen and asked to create another account. This is a technical error that we are working on resolving. For the time being, you can ignore that information and return to this screen to begin the course.

If you are enrolled…

If you are enrolled then you are ready to get started! Click on “Welcome to Flagger Training 2021” and let’s get to it!

What to Expect

The format for this years orientation is very straightforward. After you select the first lesson you will be taken to a page with a video. Once you’ve watched the entire video an option will appear to mark the lesson complete. Make sure you click that button and you’ll be sent to the next lesson in the course. When all lessons are complete you will be directed to the final exam.

Also, to navigate between lessons your best bet is to follow the progressive links that will appear at the bottom of the page after you’ve finished the video. Please avoid using the outline to the left because you might end up missing some information and won’t be able to finish the orientation as a result.